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Cambridge Spark


HubSpot web development

HubSpot integrations




Education Technology

“We found the team easy to work with, with clear timelines.

We like to move quickly and give regular feedback, which we were able to do. The team were very receptive to our feedback and understood what we were trying to achieve. They would listen to out input and ideas, whilst also providing value expertise and recommendations.”

Tom Phillips

Head of Business Development

Crafting a seamless site design to match brand identity

Cambridge Spark recognised their existing aesthetic and messaging didn’t reflect their current proposition.


The mission

Through user journey mapping and collaborative wireframing sessions, we developed a clear sitemap and designs that elevated Cambridge Spark's brand credibility.

Leveraging HubSpot's CMS made it possible to provide a flexible and modular structure which they can continue to evolve well into the future.


Site perfectly reflecting the core brand

Our collaborative approach ensured that Cambridge Spark's vision was fully realised, empowering them with custom modules and the freedom to expand their online proposition effortlessly.

The Project

With improved navigation and clear calls to action, the website now provides a seamless user experience, guiding visitors towards relevant courses and accreditations.

A core component of the project was to bring ease and clarity to the existing website. The existing brand aesthetics and messaging didn't reflect their market leading proposition and the user journey was disjointed, failing to serve information in an informative, clear way.

The pathways to various courses and accreditations felt hard to navigate to, and once finding the information they sought, the user was left hanging, not knowing what action to take next.


The result

A seamless and sophisticated site design combined intuitive UX thinking with their strong brand identity.

HubSpot’s CMS allowed us to create custom modules which can be developed and utilised site wide, as well as giving the client the freedom to develop their proposition in the future.

Services we used creating this work


HubSpot web development

Utilising HubSpot's drag-and-drop editor for flexible website creation, we delivered a future-proofed approach which the client can leverage moving forward.

HubSpot integrations

Our team of specialists were able to educate the team on HubSpot tools and custom modules within the CMS to enhance site functionality and user experience.


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Want to learn more?

Book a meeting today or please leave a message and we will be in touch.